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The Evolution of Large Language Models: A Focus on Step-Back Prompting


In the continually evolving landscape of Natural Language Processing (NLP), there is a rising trend of focusing on problem-solving through multi-step reasoning. Yet, state-of-the-art language models still struggle with the intricacies of complicated multi-step reasoning tasks. Could teaching these models to "step back" be the answer?

An Innovative Approach: Step-Back Prompting

StepBack Prompting

Step-Back Prompting1 is an exciting technique that aims to guide language models to answer complex questions more accurately. Unlike other methods that try to enhance intermediate reasoning steps, this approach asks the model to take a step back to grasp high-level concepts first.

To illustrate, consider a high-school physics question:

What happens to the pressure, P, of an ideal gas if the temperature is increased by a factor of 2 and the volume is increased by a factor of 8?

The model initially pauses and asks:

What are the physics principles behind this question?

And responds:

Ideal gas law: PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature.

Only after grounding its reasoning in the Ideal Gas Law does it proceed to answer the original question:

We can see that the pressure has decreased by a factor of 4.

By focusing first on the high-level concept of Ideal Gas Law, the model avoids potential reasoning errors that could occur if it tackled the question head-on.

What's the Big Deal?

The first step is to teach LLMs to step back, and derive high-level abstractions such as concepts and first principles from the specific example. The second step is to leverage the reasoning ability to ground the solution on the high-level concepts and first principles.'

These lines capture the essence of Step-Back Prompting. It's not just a two-step process; it's an exercise in abstraction and concrete reasoning. This technique has shown remarkable improvements on tasks that require domain-specific reasoning like Physics and Chemistry. Its efficacy has been demonstrated with performance improvements of up to 27% in various scenarios.

We conduct a variety of analysis and find that STEP-BACK PROMPTING has strong performance improvements (up to 36%) over chain of thought (CoT) prompting and take a deep breathe (TDB) prompting.'

The evidence is compelling; this method significantly outperforms other prompting techniques. It also corrects a large portion of the base model's errors, although some limitations in the model's reasoning capabilities still exist.

How Does This Change the Game?

This approach does not just improve the performance metrics; it also provides a new angle for approaching complex tasks. It serves as a template for the future, setting the stage for more sophisticated reasoning abilities in large language models.

In summary, Step-Back Prompting(1) seems to offer an effective avenue for improving the problem-solving capabilities of language models. By emphasizing the importance of grounding reasoning in high-level concepts and principles, this technique could very well be a stepping stone to the next big breakthrough in NLP.

  1. Step-back prompting involves first asking a higher-level, abstract question related to the original query to clarify underlying principles, and then using that abstract information to accurately answer the original, more complex question

  1. Step back prompting: 

Last update: October 24, 2023